Ensuring worker safety has become a core value among businesses today. Yet one source of workplace harm gets overlooked in many cases: noise. Excessively loud work environments can lead to both short- and long-term hearing problems. For instance, according to one British study, men who spend 10 or more years in a noisy workplace are more than 3.8 times more likely to develop severe hearing difficulties.

Unfortunately, despite an increasing awareness, many people still don’t recognize the severity of this threat. Whether you are a business owner, employee, or health professional, if you would like to learn more about the risks posed by excessive noise, keep reading. This article outlines three key things to know about workplace hearing loss, and why you should get regular hearing evaluations.


1. Workplace Hearing Loss Disproportionately Affects Men

Men and women face much different chances of developing hearing loss. In fact, a 2008 study by Johns Hopkins University found that men are five times more likely to suffer hearing loss than women. This significant variance doesn’t have anything to do with physical differences between men and women, however.

Rather, it reflects differences between common work environments. Men are far more likely to work in environments that include regular exposure to noise levels considered damaging or extreme. Industries such as agriculture, construction, carpentry, mining, and the military all come with significant risks, often as the result of noise generated by workplace machinery.


2. Always Take Precautions to Protect Your Hearing

Those who work in noise-prone environments must be proactive about protecting their hearing. Numerous strategies exist for reducing the decibel level of dangerous noise. Disposable earplugs offer a quick and cost-effective solution. Likewise, earmuffs offer a convenient solution. Both types can reduce noise levels by as much as 30 decibels.


3. Hearing Loss Takes Many Different Forms

Because hearing loss occurs gradually, often over the course of years, it can be difficult to register the fact that changes are taking place. Many people simply assume that their hearing is naturally degrading, rather than being affected by their workplace environment. Once you have identified that your workplace may put you at risk, be vigilant about patrolling yourself for these common signs of hearing loss:

  • speech and other sounds seem muffled
  • struggling to understand words in noisy environments
  • difficulty hearing consonants
  • asking others to repeat phrases more loudly
  • turning up the volume of televisions and radios

Even if you haven’t noticed any such symptoms, it’s a good idea to receive regular hearing evaluations. For more information, please contact the tinnitus and hearing loss experts at Physicians Hearing Care.

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Sarah Post, Au.D., CCC-A

As a child of deaf adults (CODA) in the Knoxville Deaf Community, she understands the struggles like no other. This sparked her passion for audiology as a career and led her to pursue a bachelor’s degree in audiology from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. After completing her degree, she continued her education at Auburn University, where she completed her doctorate of audiology (Au.D.) before returning to Knoxville to serve the local community. As a clinical audiologist at Physicians Hearing Care, Sarah provides comprehensive diagnostic services to assess patients’ hearing needs. Often requiring the assistance of amplification devices, Sarah helps patients select and tailor instruments to their specific hearing loss and needs that can improve their quality of life. With each patient, she listens and discusses their needs to develop a plan to improve their communication and quality of life. So far, there have been many life-changing moments during her time at PHC. Most of all, Sarah loves working with people to form a partnership to understand their needs, build trust, and craft customized plans to improve their hearing health.