Hearing loss is an invisible condition. Because others can’t see it, they may not realize that you have it. Even those around you who know about your situation, don’t always remember. No one with hearing loss wants to have to announce its existence every single time they meet someone, and so most times, they don’t. This can make being out in public or any situation where communication is necessary quite tricky. The result is avoidance, isolation, and, unfortunately, sometimes, depression.
You are Not Alone
According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), at least 37 million Americans have problems with their hearing. Only about 20% of those individuals who could benefit from treatment seek help. This means that over 7 million people in this country alone are probably avoiding situations where background noise could be an issue for them.
This doesn’t just affect you. Your spouse, family, and friends are all deprived because of your hearing loss. If you avoid going places because you’re worried about hearing, others miss out on the fun, as well. Your partner may have to spend entire evenings repeating to you what was said. Many a joke can be ruined if you have to keep asking, “What was that?” Eventually, you wind up avoiding conversations altogether. Rather than enjoying your life, you may spend every evening at home with the volume on the television turned way up. This kind of isolation can, in turn, harm your mental well-being.
There is Help
Many people are ashamed to admit that they have hearing loss. Associating it with aging, they are even more embarrassed to wear a hearing aid. What they don’t realize is that hearing aid technology has made considerable advances in recent years. Most modern hearing aids are now digital, meaning they are tiny high-tech computers that transform sound, convert it into bits, and then manipulate it before amplifying the signal. They are also a lot smaller than they used to be.
Today’s hearing aids offer smartphone and Bluetooth connectivity so that you can not only hear all that’s being said during your phone conversations; you can even stream your favorite tunes right into your ear. They are available in behind-the-ear (BTE), in-the-ear (ITE), completely-in-the-canal (CIC), and invisible-in-the-canal (IIC) models. You can now wear a hearing aid, and no one will even know about it. Gone are the days of always turning down invitations for after-work socializing. Background noise will no longer be such a problem, and you can go back to having interesting conversations.
Get Your Life Back and Improve Your Relationships
Don’t let hearing loss continue to ruin your relationships. The highly-trained audiologists at Physicians Hearing Care are here to help you get your life back on track. Contact us today to schedule a hearing evaluation. We have several treatment options to fit your requirements, style, and budget. Experience our unique “Physicians Hearing Care Difference” for yourself.